Friday, January 29, 2010

Project 10/11/12+: Paper

Click image to enlarge

  • Scrap paper
  • Water
The (basic) materials list is misleading. This project is the big one. I'm really enjoying it, so I'm staying on this one for the rest of the term.

If you've ever made paper, you know it's a fairly complicated process. I followed the instructions here, with a few differences:
  • I did not have a blender. I tore my paper scraps up very small and soaked them in water for 2-3 days. To help stave off any mold, I added a few drops of essential oil to the mix. (My paper smells nice!)
  • My screen is made out of a small picture frame. (Incidentally, I found out said frame was poorly glued together when it fell apart upon immersion in the paper slurry. Now it's held intact by pushpins.)
  • Some of my felts are made out of left over t-shirt material from my earlier projects; some are pieces of a ShamWow. I like the ShamWow felts better because they are very absorbent.
  • I used a ShamWow piece instead of a sponge. (Hey, I worked with what I had.)
After what seemed like forever ripping up and soaking bits of paper (FOREVER, I tell you; for two weeks I was shredding sheets of paper while watching movies with my friends), I covered my dorm room desk with a trash bag and came up with this:

My batches were limited by the number of felts I had. (I've since purchased some cheap fabric to make more.)

For the second batch, I sandwiched the paper between a few sheets of plastic to be pressed and dried:

I don't like the texture; it's weirdly smooth (minus the bubbles) for handmade paper. The grain created from the screen and felts seems more natural:

I sprinkled some flower seeds into the next batch; after the paper is used, it can be buried and it will grow:

If I do that again, I'll buy some more attractive seeds. The ones I had just look like bits of fly poop.

My last batch had a little bit of glitter in it (not too much, I didn't want it to look like Lisa Frank vomited on it or something):

More paper on the way!

1 comment:

  1. I really like the idea of paper with seeds! Although handmade paper is pretty so it would be kind of sad to bury it.
